Program/Poster: lexicographical data on Wikidata
< Program
Poster: lexicographical data on Wikidata
- Format
- Keywords
- Wikidata
- Wiktionary
- lexicographical data
- When and where
- Friday 20 July, 20:00 - 21:30
- Plenary hall
- Presenter(s)
- Topic area
- Relationship to theme
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The poster will give an overview of lexicographical data on Wikidata:
- What is it? What works right now?
- What will come in the future?
- Which opportunities does it open up for sharing more knowledge across language barriers?
Viewers of the poster should be excited about lexicographical data and want to contribute knowledge about their language to Wikidata. They should have a good understanding of what is going to be possible with this data in the future.
- <add your username here if you are interested in attending>